Example 2: Improving affinity diagrams

In many cases affinity diagrams are done in a purely “data-based” way. This makes it difficult to cluster the findings, since the abstraction level may vary hugely. For this reason, the social world perspectives could be used as principles for clustering the findings on the post-it notes from a contextual inquiry.

For example, take an informal gang in an online gaming community. The clustering criteria might be based on the inter-group relations (segmenting & intersecting): are they mostly learning from other groups or are they teaching them?

Theme: why do you tease other groups?

These post-it notes come from a fictious focus group session.

Before: "intuitive" clustering

After: The model-supported clustering


  1. Revenge is an example of interaction between subworlds. It can be located among the other subprocesses of organisational dynamics: "defend itself against others, invade into other communities, and make or break alliances with them".

    A relevant SW frame, "organisational dynamics", includes a contextual attribute called "Tensions of collaborative organizations". This is a good example of the fact that a model is always a model, in this case coming from more formal and decent action environment. When analysing a less decent activities and inter-relations, in this case between teenagers' gangs, it is worth noting that this model is merely an interpretative theory, that is, a frame for researcher or designer to create more case-sensitive terms.

    Another SW frame is "Authenticity", meaning claims of what kind of activity or goals in the vcommunity should be taken as original and thus the correct ones. In the model the above mentioned tension-attribute is also located under this SW frame. However, more relevant among them might be the attribute of social comparison. In this case, instead of individuals comparing the betterness of their devices, a subworld compares their style to another subworld.
  2. Miscellaneous = we need more info of what they mean by fun

Community needs revealed/Contribution to concept design:

Depending on the ultimate goals of community owner, it might be beneficial for the community to include into it functionalities that support members' "natural" efforts to view others through social hierarchy - that legitimates revenge. Or, if users are children, say, under 12 years old, it might be better to strongly calm hierarchical tendencies.

In the calming strategy, concept designer might, for example, prevent the mutual visibility among explicitly hostile subworlds.