Publications2007Mikael Johnson & Kalle Toiskallio: Community Modeling and Community-Centric Design. In Mobile Content Communities: Final Report. HIIT Publications 2007-1. Mikael Johnson & Kalle Toiskallio: Who are the Users of Habbo Hotel. In Mobile Content Communities: Final Report. HIIT Publications 2007-1. 2006Mikael Johnson: Visiotypes in the membership categorisation practices of Habbo Hotel. Public imageries today -conference organized by The Finnish Museum for Photography and the PhD programme "Image. Body. Medium. An Anthropological Perspective." at the New Media School in Karlsruhe. 19-20 May 2006. Mikael Johnson: Uses of history in the design of Habbo Hotel. Proact2006. 16-18 March 2006. Mikael Johnson: Categorising users in the design of Habbo Hotel. Proact2006. 16-18 March 2006. 2005Kalle Toiskallio: Model for computer-mediated community: Sosiologina tietotekniikkainsinöörien seassa. Kuluttajatutkimuskeskuksen teknologianet-seminaari 25.11.2005. Mikael Johnson, Kalle Toiskallio: Fansites as Sources for User Research: Case Habbo Hotel. Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Information Systems Research in Scandinavia (IRIS'28), August 6-9, 2005, Kristiansand, Norway. Download Antti Salovaara, Mikael Johnson, Kalle Toiskallio, Sauli Tiitta, Marko Turpeinen: Creative Playmakers and Their Motivations in Four Multiplayer Game Communities. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005 (ACE'05), June 15-17, 2005, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain. Antti Salovaara, Mikael Johnson, Kalle Toiskallio, Sauli Tiitta, Marko Turpeinen: Nurturers: A creative player segment and their motivations in multi-player games. Creative Gamers - Exploring Participatory Culture in Gaming, Workshop, January 11-12, 2005. University of Tampere, Hypermedia Laboratory's Game Research Lab. 2004Kalle Toiskallio, Mikael Johnson: Mobile community - vague community: combining lived privacy and anonymous publicity within the community. Proceedings of The Fifth Wireless World Conference: Managing Wireless Communications, July 15-16, 2004, University of Surrey. By mikael at 2006-02-21 14:57