Community Model |
2. Activity-related technologyThe specific activities are usually related to specific technology, which is especially the case in the computer-supported communication. Community designers and developers are keenly thinking of better platforms and toolkits that enable more feasible use of the web site, and perhaps more efficient monitoring of and interventions to members’ activities. In the communities it is also central question whether the used, or better, a desired technology, a software or a modified version of it, for example, is inherited from previous generations, or innovated or perhaps even invented among a sub-community members. It is common that The Sims fansites offer downloadable clothes or “mods†for all interested (manufacturing, marketing), not to mention links to other relevant sites. In other words, they are teaching those interested how to do cool things (for example :-). By this way the, say, The Sims fans (members of the social world), learn how to develop better mods. Examples from Habbo and GeoCachingTo keep people doing their common activities in your community, they usually need some technology/tools for that. In Habbo Hotel, from user perspective, they are, for example, place-metaphors (different rooms) and pieces of furniture in them. Some enabling, but more distant to the primary activity, Habbo technologies are: electrical power, computer hardware and software, Internet browser, network connection, macromedia Flash plugin, etc. In Geocaching, where many of the users are educated and tech savvy adults, the technology can be simply taken as the most important devices such as GPS-device, maps, plastic containers, metal id plates, and logbooks, since they are explicitly debated among members. More generally, examples of primary activity-related technologies could be the site to present the description of the cache, of previous finder's comments, and the possibility to follow the route of the travel bug type cache in the real digital map.
By Kalle at 2006-02-23 15:43